Software for educational equipment lending

Schools, Universities and Colleges. Hardware, STEM, IT or test equipment; we've got it covered.

Lend Engine is web based software for resource and equipment booking, equipment checkout, member management, maintenance schedules, inventory tracking and more.

Equipment checkout & loans made easy.

At the point-of-loan, creating a booking and checking out an item is just a couple of clicks. The easy-to-use calendar can be used for hourly, daily or weekly loans, as well as checking who has what item, and when it's due back.

If you use item barcodes, it's even quicker. Borrowers are sent a detailed email confirmation, including item-specific file attachments for things like instruction manuals or disclaimers.

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Across multiple sites and locations.

Work with multiple physical addresses (sites), and multiple locations within those sites to keep an accurate track of where your equipment is being used and stored. Great for multiple campuses and multiple departments within a campus.

  • Restrict items to sites.
  • Restrict users to sites.
  • Set different opening hours per site.
  • Inter-site movement schedule based on reservations.
  • Create non-lendable maintenance/repair locations.

Equipment tracking software

Detailed asset management & reporting.

Store all the information you need about your equipment and assets. Additional fields are available for admins and managers, to provide additional detail, and extra dimensions for reporting.

  • Multiple images.
  • Item location, condition, value, serial number.
  • Detailed description, component list and care information.
  • Attachment files for manuals and warranties.
  • Unlimited custom fields (public and private).

Manage items using CSV import and batch update to save time.

Report on most-lent equipment, least-lent equipment, busiest members, and more. Segment and filter by site, location, category or custom field for rich insight into your equipment lending operations.

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Robust check-out and check-in process.

Set up custom check-out and check-in prompts for users to complete before items can be lent or returned - perfect for ensuring that your borrowers fully understand the equipment before using, and for ensuring that items are checked back in with all components and fully working.

Fees can be charged for borrowing equipment, extending loan periods, late returns - or everything can be free.

No credit card needed - you'll be up and running in seconds.